Muddled Cocktails: What’s an Anagram for Pluto

Pluots are an odd fruit. Back in the 80's some rando thought it was a good idea to mix a plum and an apricot... Out comes a pluot. Well we make a habit of muddling odd fruit around here.

What's an Anagram for Pluto:

1/2 Ripe Pluot
2oz Mezcal (@delmagueymezcal vida)
1/2oz Green Chartreuse ( @chartreuse_uk )
1/2oz Fresh lime juice
2 Sugar cubes
Splash of water

#muddlefiercely Pluot, Sugar, and a splash of water in a tin. Add remaining ingredients and shake vigorously. Double strain into a cool coupe. Enjoy!

Featured here is our Walnut Muddler. Perfect for smashing odd fruit. Check it out at to get yours.

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